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Our Farm Environment

Green Acres Ranch is located in Seagrove, NC and is run by Bill and Dianna Osmolski. The ranch consists of 130 rolling acres of pastures and woods in scenic Randolph County.

The primary activity of Green Acres is breeding & raising Black Angus cattle. We have a registered Black Angus bull and Black Angus cows. All of our calves are born on the ranch. We sell the heifer calves after weaning but keep all the bull calves to grow to market size for beef. All our cattle are fed a natural diet of only grass or hay. No grain or commercial feed is provided. This approach requires more time to bring the animals to market weight but results in a leaner, healthier and more nutritious beef product, but more on that later.

We try to do everything in as natural way as possible. We do not use any herbicides or pesticides on our pastures. Our cows do not receive any added hormones or antibiotics. We do not practice artificial insemination or use any added hormones to regulate the reproductive cycle of the cows. Our bull (“Bernie”) stays with his girls all year round. Our cows roam freely over the pastures and are never confined. We allow the calves to stay with the mothers until they are about seven months old and about four or five hundred pounds. When the calves are weaned they are allowed to stay close to their mothers separated only by an electric fence. This reduces the stress on both the mother and the calf.

We make hay on our property each year and supplement what we make with hay purchased from local farmers. During the winter months we put out hay manually so that the cows eat in a different, clean area twice each day and spread their natural fertilizer over all the fields. We try to minimize the use of hay-feeding rings to avoid concentration of manure . During the growing season we rotate our stock from field to field to balance the grazing with the growth of the grass and again spread the natural fertilizer around.

Our herd is small enough that each cow and calf has a name and we know them as individuals. We provide them with a stress free natural and loving environment. All animals are handled in the gentlest and most humane manner possible and never receive any harsh treatment. During the winter months when grazing is sparse and they rely on the hay we feed them, we always insure that they are well fed. Automatic, insulated water drinkers in each pasture insure that the cows always have fresh water available to them in freezing weather. These same drinkers provide a continuous supply of cool fresh water during the hot weather.

Our beef cows live out their entire lives on our farm. They are not shipped anywhere until they are ready for market. When ready they take a short (under ten miles) ride to Key Packing Co. in Robbins, NC for processing. Key is a small family owned operation with three generations currently active in running the business. They have a humane operation, an excellent reputation for quality and are NCDA inspected and approved. They allow the meat to hang in an environmentally controlled aging locker for about two weeks before processing. When beef is aged, enzymes within the meat naturally tenderize it improving the texture. At the same time, moisture slowly evaporates increasing the flavor concentration. After cutting, each portion of beef is immediately vacuum sealed and flash frozen for maximum flavor and freshness.

Why Grass Fed?

Cows evolved over the years eating grass and other naturally occurring forage. That is what their bodies are designed to thrive on. They really do not need anything else. The practice of feeding other things to cows such as grains came about primarily because of the availability of the grains, and that they allowed the cows to grow to market size much more quickly. The downside of grain-feeding is it negatively affects the nutrient quality of the beef.

The Beef from grass fed cows is different than beef from grain fed cows and is superior in many ways.

Grass Fed Beef:

-Contains less total fat.
-Has a higher proportion of unsaturated fat (the healthy kind).
-It is higher in protein.
-Higher in Omega-3 fatty acids (healthy fat)
-Higher in CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid (another healthy fat)
-Higher in Vitamins
-Lower in calories.

For more details on this see the information listed with our beef products.

Why is Grass Fed Beef More Expensive?

One reason grass fed beef costs more is that when cows eat a natural diet it takes them longer to grow to market size. Also you can raise more cows on less land when you are feeding them other than grass and hay. Therefore there is less profit, and fewer farmers involved, in the grass fed method. Consequently grass fed beef commands a higher price because of the realities of producing it along with the relatively smaller supply.

Cooking Grass Fed Beef

The two main thing to remember when cooking grass fed beef is that:

A. There is much less fat in the meat.

B. The fat that is there will cook out quickly.

Therefore if the meat is over-cooked it will lose its tenderness. Some grass fed beef advocates recommend cooking the meat over lower heat for a longer time. We seem to get better results cooking it hot for a short period of time (to sear in the juices) and taking the meat out of the pan or grill when it still looks a bit too rare and letting it rest a few minutes. The meat continues to cook after it is removed and is best served medium rare.

Green Acres Ranch

2819 Brower Mill Rd.
Seagrove NC 27341


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