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Rob M.
Cool Things to Know about Bread Uprising
Mar 27, 2013 at 4:25 pm |
Panaderia Bread Uprising has been working with us the past few weeks to offer some cool new artisan breads, gluten-free options, and cupcakes. Tim from the bakery sent over some fun facts about the bakery to share, and so you can get to know them a little better:

Cool things to know about Bread Uprising:

- The bakery was founded with a vision that everyone has a right to whatever bread they want and need. In our Community Supported Bread program, we meet the bread needs of families and households throughout Durham. Members participate in bakery decision-making and support the bakery’s work in a number of ways, and no one is turned away for lack of money. You can find out more about it at www.breaduprising.org.

- The sourdough starter that we use in our breads has been alive for over 5 years!

- Our four bakers operate as a worker cooperative, that means nobody is the boss. All the bakers decide together who should do what and when.

- Bakery members often lend a hand preserving fresh local produce when it's in season, or growing in their own gardens. The basil and tomatoes in our tomato-herb bread and the strawberries in our strawberry frosting were all grown, picked or preserved by members. This summer we'll be hosting some big tomato canning days to set aside enough tomatoes for 2014.

- If you don't eat a lot of bread, you can put our bread in the freezer and then thaw/toast slices as needed!

- Our gluten-free bread and cupcakes use guar gum (powdered guar beans) as a thickener. Most commercial GF recipes use xanthan gum. Xanthan gum is commercially produced in a sterile setting, but in nature it's the black slime that grows on lettuce if you leave it in the refrigerator for too long. We think that's kinda gross, so we use guar gum instead.

- You're welcome to come by and visit, and see how our bread is made! Just email us at breaduprising@resist.ca to figure out a good time.
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