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Rob M.
Iron Spud Challenge
Nov 28, 2012 at 6:03 pm |
Help us to expand our recipe database, share seasonal cooking ideas, earn free credits in our system, and have a chance for a $50 credit to your Papa Spud's account, with the Iron Spud Challenge!

How it works:
1) Select at least 2 ingredients from the Iron Spud ingredient list below. Cook a dish or a meal (2+ dishes) using those seasonal ingredients that you choose from the list. You are free to add as many other ingredients as you would like, but the goal is to make the Iron Spud ingredients the "stars" of the dish.

2) Take a photo of your finished product. Write a description of what you made. Include a recipe if possible, but not required. Post description and photo to the Papa Spud's community page by clicking on the purple "Post!" link.

Ingredient List (select at least 2):
Acorn Squash
Bok Choy
Mustard Greens
Sweet Potatoes

2 Free Credits for each Submission:
For each valid posting, we will apply 2 free credits to your Papa Spud's account. Please just make sure the posting includes a photo and brief description of the dish/meal.

$50 Credit for our Favorite Submission:
The challenge will continue until December 17th, at which time we will award a $50 credit to our favorite submission. Our favorite will be based on a focus on seasonal cooking, creativity, and likes and support from the Papa Spud's community.

Have fun, experiment, and share!
We hope this will be a fun way to experiment with some new seasonal ingredients, that you may not be as familiar with. As well as share ideas and inspiration among the local community.

Thank you for your support!

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(Rob M.)
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