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Rob M.
Home Composting without Composting at Home
May 15, 2012 at 4:01 pm |
by Matt Rostetter (CompostNow)

Want to compost at home or at your business but do not have the time or space to maintain a compost pile? Consider the idea behind a local company called CompostNow.

CompostNow has created a quick and easy way for you to compost all of your food scraps and organic waste without all the bin maintenance. The business model is simple. They bring you a bin. You keep it in the best place possible (under the kitchen sink or on the back porch). You put your food scraps, coffee grinds, and other compostable materials in the bin. They pick up the bin once a week and give you a new one. They compost everything. It's as easy as that. Together you save trash bag space, create garden fertilizer and generally begin to understand the concept of letting food go back into its original source, the ground. Members of the CompostNow Shuttle service even have the option of having the resulting nutrient-rich, garden-ready compost delivered to them whenever and wherever at no extra charge. As an alternative, members can also choose to donate the compost to a local community garden of their choice.

Matt Rostetter, the founder of CompostNow, started the business back in March (2011) after realizing that he couldn't be the only person out there who wanted to keep his food scraps from going to the landfill. Today, CompostNow, has a growing number of happy members, a great brand, and a compelling mission to "make every community compostable." The CompostNow team has grown and the CompostNow Shuttle can be seen collecting organics from homeowners, local businesses, and events in Raleigh, Cary, Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and Durham. The CompostNow team can also be seen working with local schools and organizations teaching the importance of recycling organics. With potential new members from across the U.S. emailing to ask CompostNow to start a Shuttle service in their area, CompostNow has its eyes set on expansion.

To learn more about CompostNow or sign-up for their shuttle service, visit their website (www.compostnow.org) or email them at thedirt@compostnow.org. You can try CompostNow for FREE with the promo code: PAPASPUDS.

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Tammey B. (May 27, 2012 at 8:33 pm)
What a wonderful idea; thanks for the heads-up on this service.
(Rob M.)
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