Peppers, NC Hatch, Anaheim, conv.
Cloverfields Farm

NuMex Heritage 6-4 (Hatch):
Anaheim type peppers picked when green and firm. It has a medium heat level (Scoville 1000 - 2000 compared to 7,000 – 9,000 for early jalapeno). Excellent variety for frying, stuffing, or used fresh green or dried red. When roasted the sweet smoky green chile aroma is strong and intense.

Preheat grill to high. Cut stems and slice in half lengthwise, removing seeds & membrane. Place skin side down & roast until blistered & brown (10-15 min.). When done, place in covered bowl to let steam for 15 minutes. Remove skin. DO NOT RINSE. Roasted peppers are good in many dishes.

Locally-produced: yes
Certified organic: no
Pesticides-free: no
Conventionally produced: yes

Member ratings of this Product by this Producer:
4 out of 5 (1 ratings): Sep 19-20 (most recent)
4.33 out of 5 (15 ratings): All Time