Beef Ribs, pasture-raised, grass-fed, frozen
Baldwin Family Farms

*All Beef products are delivered frozen

Locally-produced: yes
Certified organic: no
Pesticides-free: n/a
Conventionally produced: n/a

Member ratings of this Product by this Producer:
5 out of 5 (1 ratings): Apr 30-01 (most recent)
4.68 out of 5 (19 ratings): All Time

About Baldwin Family Farms:
Baldwin Beef is: 100% Grassfed, Antibiotic Free, Hormone Free, Extra Lean, USDA Inspected, Halal Processed

We are family cattle ranchers with about 3000 head of Charolais (Char-Lay) cattle grazing improved grasslands in Central Piedmont NC and Southern Virginia. Our finishing grasses are intensive managed, high energy, high protein winter and summer annual grasses that are free of chemicals. The end result is a delicious, all natural, lean beef, with many hidden health benefits. The perfect beef for eating quality and good health.