Strawberries, high-tunnel grown, conv.
Lewis Farm

On the list for next week, we are looking forward to another full harvest of off-season, local Strawberries! These berries are greenhouse grown, to beat the cold, and also utilize modern strawberry cultivars that produce well despite the short days! Another example of local growers working hard to feed our community! The costs are a bit higher with this type of production, so the berries are more expensive than they will be in the spring. But, they offer a welcome treat on the local produce scene, as we await the spring harvests!

Locally-produced: yes
Certified organic: no
Pesticides-free: no
Conventionally produced: yes

Member ratings of this Product by this Producer:
4.51 out of 5 (45 ratings): Apr 20-21 (most recent)
4.47 out of 5 (5883 ratings): All Time