Recipe Kit: Strawberry Shortcake
Papa Spuds

Recipe kits feature fresh, healthy, seasonal produce items. We do the work of testing delicious seasonal recipes, and provide portioned ingredients. You do the cooking and enjoy!

Strawberry Shortcake Dessert
Serves 2

A delicious dessert kit featuring local strawberries on a gluten-free pound cake round from JPs Pastry, and topped with whipped cream. Fresh, sweet, and local!

Kit Includes:
Recipe Card & Instructions
Strawberries (8 oz.)
Pound Cake Round (1 ct.)

You Provide:
Whipped Cream

Locally-produced: yes
Certified organic: no
Pesticides-free: n/a
Conventionally produced: n/a

Member ratings of this Product by this Producer:
4.07 out of 5 (15 ratings): May 03-04 (most recent)
4.24 out of 5 (45 ratings): All Time